
Ways to Stop Toddler from Hitting Other Siblings

There has been a lot of discussion about elder child, usually a toddler, hitting the younger one. Although, this problem is true, there is another problem in which the aggressive toddler starts hitting the elder one. The reason is that toddlers do not have their frontal cortex fully developed, and hence they get overwhelmed by their emotions which sometime overcome their basic knowledge that hitting basically hurts. The basic reason is that when they find it hard to verbally communicate, they get frustrated and then start hitting. Although the older children may be able to protect themselves by getting away or showing some sensible behavior, they also need to feel safe and protected. So, below discussed are a few scenarios in which the reasons why toddlers do what they are discussed. The toddler just wants a connection with the older sibling Toddlers get obsessed with the elder siblings for just about any reason. If the elder sister is working on a project to build a toy
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